Sunday 30 March 2014


Greetings in Japanese, like in English are different for different situations.
It is important that we learn the appropriate greeting for the appropriate time.

Ohayoo, this is an informal greeting, often made between friends. It can be made to be more formal by adding to it. Ohayoo Gozaimasu is the more formal and respectful greeting.

Perhaps the greeting in Japanese we are most familiar with is Kon'nichiwa. This is hello, or good afternoon.
As day turns to night, the greeting changes again. The way we say good evening is Konbanwa.
Have greeted one another, it is also important to know how to farewell others.
Some of the ways of saying goodbye are simple such as bye bye, while others are more difficult such as Sayoonara. If you are farewelling someone who you will see the next day then you can say, Mata ashita, as it literally means see you tomorrow.
Finally it is not a greeting or farewell, but we all recognise the value of saying thank you. In Japanese the word you need to know is Arigatoo.

Hopefully that helps you to remember how to greet and farewell one another.

Sayoonara and arigatoo!

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