Sunday 6 April 2014

How much is that?

In preparation for our end of term assessment we are learning to say "How much is it?" and reply.

This in combination with our knowledge of fruit and numbers are going to be vital components of this assessment.

When asking "how much it is?" you say Ikura desu ka?

The response is ______ en desu

To listen to this go to the following website.

Thursday 3 April 2014

Origami - Hina Dolls

Origami is Japanese for the art of paper folding.
It is an amazing art form that includes some very complex creations.
As this was the introduction for our class, we began with a more simple creation, a hina doll.

The design of these dolls depicts an emperor and emperess with their arms crossed and their hands hidden in their kimono.

Included below are both the instructions and a photo of our finished product.


Counting in Japanese in many ways is easier than counting in English.
The first thing as in any language is to count from one to ten.
One of the easiest ways to learn to count is using the old song from childhood, London Bridge is Burning Down. The one important thing to know before using this song is that there are two ways to say seven in Japanese. There are multiple ways to say other numbers too, but for this song seven is the important one to know. Seven can also be nana.

So now to the song. To the tune of London Bridge sing

Ichi, Ni, San, Shi, San Shi, San Shi, Go, rocko, Nana, Hachi, Kyu, Ju.

After getting the pronounciation sorted have a go at writing in kanji. Refer to the attached image.
Now that one to ten is sorted, the next parts easy.

11 is simply 10 + 1, ju ichi
12 is 10 + 2, ju ni

This follows a predictable pattern through to 19. Then it changes from + to x
Twenty is two x ten = Ni ju
Thirty is three x ten = San ju

Follow the pattern and you can't go wrong.

Happy counting!